Welcoming New Partners

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At In a Perfect World, our programs aim to inspire the next generation of changemakers by providing access to education and cultivating creativity, social consciousness, and leadership in communities around the world.

We’re taking a moment to shine a light on two new, invaluable partnerships that breathe life into our vision. Our partners are essential to our work with young people, embodying our key pillars of Education, Youth Mentorship, Community, and Self-expression.

Each of these organizations shares our belief that every person has the power to make meaningful change. Together, we are empowering young voices, equipping them with the tools and opportunities they need to shape a better future. Today, we celebrate the spirit of collaboration and extend our heartfelt welcome to these two partners who stand with us, believing in the potential of every child.

White Hall Academy

We’re thrilled to welcome White Hall Academy as a new partner in our GoodTech program! Starting on September 23rd, White Hall Academy will host a cohort of students eager to explore the world of technology. This program will provide them with hands-on experience and mentorship, bridging the digital divide and preparing them for the future. We’re grateful for White Hall Academy’s commitment to education and for giving students the opportunity to learn, grow, and become the next generation of tech innovators.

Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA)

HOLA has been a beacon of hope and opportunity for young people in Los Angeles, and we’re proud to have them as a partner. They will be hosting both our Dreamcatchers and Youth Ambassadors INSPIRE programs, providing a safe and supportive space for students to express themselves, develop leadership skills, and make a positive impact in their communities. HOLA’s dedication to empowering youth aligns perfectly with our mission, and we’re excited to see the incredible work that will come from this partnership.

Stay tuned for more updates and stories from our incredible partners and programs. Together, we’re creating a brighter, more compassionate future for all.